SFS Frequently asked questions
When will I be able to register my child for Summer Film School 2025?
Registration is open to the public on Friday, March 7.
My child will be going into 6th grade in the fall. May I still sign up?
No, participants must be going into 7th grade through senior year, but we are always looking for actors of any age for the final films in July. Email nicole@binningfoundation.org if interested!
What is the program cost?
$100. The program begins on Tuesday, June 3 and concludes on Thursday, July 24.
June: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 3 p.m.
July: Final film production schedules determined by youth filmmakers.
Are scholarships available?
Absolutely! We want this opportunity to be available to every potential participant. Scholarships are available for those who request them. Email sean@binningfoundation.org for more information.
My child will miss more than two weeks this summer. May I still sign up?
As the program is only eight weeks long, we ask that participants plan to miss no more than two weeks total for the entire film school. If your child will miss more than two weeks, we will discuss the situation with you and reserve the right to give your participant’s spot to someone else.
When is the best time to schedule a family vacation?
June. It is anticipated that production of the final films will begin on Friday, July 11 and run through July 21. It is strongly preferred that the entire crew is present and working on their films. If an absence cannot be helped, please let us know as soon as you are able so we can support the crew accordingly. If your student wants a leadership role on the final project (e.g., Director, Cinematographer, Lead Actor, etc.), he or she will need to be available during the entire production.
Are lunches provided?
No, students are asked to bring their own lunches and beverages. HOWEVER, on the first day of class, Binning will provide pizza and drinks!
Can Binning staff drive my child to or from SFS?
Sadly, no. Students are responsible for getting to and from SFS.
When is the Red Carpet World Premiere Extravaganza?
Tuesday, August 5. Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Sloan’s Lake.
May I see an example of what the students will be doing?